Featured Article of the Month

“The featured article of the month” Create, Share and Inspire”

“I create.. I share.. I inspire people.. You do not need to be famous.. You only have to have one thing in your mind.. PASSION.. And everything follows.. Remember, it’s never too late to try.. You do not need an ALARM CLOCK, your PASSION will wake you up..”



Since I have been meeting and seeing a lot of people who do have different skills and talents in different fields like Photography, Vlogs, Blogs and such, I decided to add a section here on my blog site where I will feature random people, places, food or anything that I’ll be proud of meeting, seeing or trying. I would love to share their stories with other people too. I love people who get to follow their dreams at a very young age… I love people who try their best in everything that they do whether or not they are paid.. I love people who do not give up on their goals… I love people who are confident to showcase their talent to inspire others even if they are already old… For me — AGE is just a NUMBER… You do not have to be afraid of what you can be… Why am I saying this? Because I myself used to be a frustrated writer when I was young. I never thought I’d be able to share my stories with the use of the internet in the future. It isn’t about fame because if so, I definitely won’t be an ANONYMOUS WRITER. 🙂 

I will still be posting my stories twice a month and my daily quotes and other articles.  And added to it is the newest section which is The featured article of the month”.. Get ready for the SEPTEMBER ISSUE! Again, let’s CREATE, SHARE and INSPIRE people TOGETHER… 




If you would also like your stories to be featured in this section please feel free to send us a message at singlemoms1214@gmail.com and let’s start choosing your month. 🙂


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